New Hampshire AA Meetings, New Hampshire AA, Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Contacts, AA Literature, AA Information, AA Member Resources, New Hampshire AA Central Offices, New Hampshire AA Intergroups, New Hampshire AA District and Area Information and links.
USA AA MEETING DIRECTORY and AA Member Resources and
Contact us to add or update your AA Meeting information.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who come together to solve their drinking problem. It doesn’t cost anything to join AA There are no age or education requirements to participate. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about their drinking problem.
Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobriety.
Who are AA members?
We are people who share a common problem and have found a common solution.
We have no desire to reform the world or take alcohol off the shelves. We are not allied with any group, cause, or religious denomination.
We welcome new members but do not recruit them. We don’t impose our program on anyone – we share our experience with drinking and our recovery stories when we are asked to do so. Connecting with other alcoholics helps us stay sober.
Attend a Meeting
There are AA meetings all across New Hampshire, and virtual meetings you can attend from anywhere in the world. Attend a meeting – give it a try! If you love what you find, come back. If you aren’t sure, attend some additional meetings.
All AA meetings follow the same Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, but each meeting will have a unique local flavor. By attending different types of meetings, with different formats, you will find out what feels most comfortable for you.
1330 Hooksett Road
Hooksett NH
Telephone: 603 622-6967
24 Hour Hot Line State Wide
Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
USA AA MEETING DIRECTORY and AA Member Resources and
Contact us to add or update your AA Meeting information.
AA membership is available to anybody who wants to do something about their drinking problem. There are no attendance or membership fees. There are no age, education, or religious requirements. Simply locate a meeting and show up a little before the scheduled start time.
AAWS (Alcoholics Anonymous World Services). AAWS has their own website with online resources, literature and information for AA members. We are not AAWS. We encourage you to visit the AAWS website if you have don’t find what you’re looking for here.