Category: Blog
Would the threat of cancer stop you from drinking alcohol?
Our Facebook page, feedback on a report by the Canadian Cancer Society below, that found that “Drinking alcohol raises your risk of developing head and neck, breast, colorectal, esophageal, liver, stomach and pancreatic cancers.”
Why should you listen to me?
Do you want to make a full, complete, and permanent recovery from the throws of addiction? The choice is yours.
The 12 Steps – Why?
How many times have you read the beginning sentence, of Chapter 5, ‘How it works’ – and spent much time contemplating what it actually means? We hear it read, or we have been the one to read it – in the majority of meetings that we’ve attended, where they begin by reading a portion of…
Step One – the most often misquoted Step of AA’s 12 Steps
We sit in meetings emphasizing the importance of a complete and perfect First Step – and its Step One – that’s one of the most often misquoted Steps — of the 12 Steps. The word “and” is NOT in Step One. I hear it over and over and over again “We admitted that we were…
20 Questions Test: Are you alcoholic?
I remember clearly the first time I saw A.A’s. 20 Questions. It was 16 years before I landed in A.A. Late one night, in a tiny little town called ‘Cave Junction, Oregon’ — for some reason, probably because I was intoxicated, I was alone in a coin-operated laundry. It must have been around two or…
The 12 Steps in Reverse
Intended for humor, because the results will be a tragedy! After reading the 12 Steps in Reverse, though — I can honestly say that there have been prime moments in my life when discovered that on some of the 12 Steps, I definitely was practicing them in reverse! 🙂 AA’s 12 Steps in Reverse It…
You can’t stay in the same place
You can’t stay in the same place. It’s been said “If you don’t move forward, you’ll stay in the same place.” But that’s only true for today. Tomorrow moves forward. So, if you stayed in the same place today, you’ll have moved backwards, tomorrow. When the step forward is too big, take a baby step. …
I laughed when they said “We stay sober one day at a time
They didn’t understand. The only way I could stay sober for an entire day, was to be locked up or covered up. And to get covered up, was more appealing to me, than being locked up. I was so tired of being locked up. But that seemed to be my only hope. I worked out…
Searching for God in all the wrong places?
Have you ever felt like you’ve searched for God in all the wrong places? Most of us, at some time, have felt this way.
I’m a Jay Walker, too.
I nearly laughed myself out of my chair and spit coffee all over my shirt as I sat in an A. A. meeting and first heard the story of The Jay Walker. “Our behavior is as absurd and incomprehensible with respect to the first drink as that of an individual with a passion, say, for…