The 12 Steps in Reverse

Intended for humor, because the results will be a tragedy!

After reading the 12 Steps in Reverse, though — I can honestly say that there have been prime moments in my life when discovered that on some of the 12 Steps, I definitely was practicing them in reverse! 🙂

AA’s 12 Steps in Reverse

It is highly suggested that you NOT do this!

1. I declare my complete control over alcohol and everything else; and further declare that my life is in perfect order

2. I recognize no power as great as I am; nor any person as smart as I am, and if you don’t like it come outside

3. I made a decision to run my life and everyone else’s life to suit only me – and I pity those who get in my way.

4. I make a searching and through inventory of everyone other than myself – and find them woefully lacking in all respects; and I never hesitate to tell them so.

5. I admitted to no one, including, God and Myself, that there could possibly be anything wrong with me, or my actions.

6.  I went to extreme efforts to protect and increase my defects of character-and did a little drinking besides.

7.  I continued my obnoxious arrogant air of asking no one for anything-my Big Eye was for telling, not asking.

8.  I kept a complete list of all persons who had harmed me, either real or imaginary, and swore to get even with them all.

9. I got even where possible, except when to do so might injure me.

10. I continued to bitch and whine about everything to everyone and, when I was right, promptly reminded them.

11. I sought through scheming and conniving to materially improve myself – at the expense of my fellow man. I ever hesitate, when the opportunity presents itself, to bring disaster and misery to anyone who happens to cross my path.

12. Having had a complete moral, physical, financial and spiritual breakdown, all of my remaining effort was directed toward dragging those near me – and dear to me – down to these same depths of despair; And I did a little drinking too.

From: AA Grapevine? Maybe.  It’s been printed in several AA Newsletters over many  years.

Below is a link to a PDF file of The 12 Steps in Reverse — if you’d to save a copy for yourself or to pass it on!



