Why should you listen to me?

Do you want to make a full, complete, and permanent recovery from the throws of addiction? The choice is yours.

Every minute of every day — you have made choices – that have led you to where you are today.

You can choose to continue to drink and continue to use the drugs and behaviors of your choice – that’s entirely up to you.

If you continue down this dangerous and most often fatal path of self-destruction, harming yourself and those who care about you — that’s your business. 

I’m not here to guilt you, nag you, shame you, or judge you. What you choose to do for yourself — is none of my business.

I’m simply here to let you know that you have other options.

I know what it’s like to believe that I don’t have a choice. I know what it’s like to believe I was powerless over choosing and changing.

It wasn’t always that way.

I’ve lived at a few of the highest pinnacles of success and achievements – and I’ve also lived at some of the deepest, lowest, degrading failures.

I’ve gone from living in what some referred to as ‘the mansion’ – to living under the gutter of life with one foot in the grave.

I know what it’s like to be locked up (over and over and over again) — and to face being locked up forever — because of bad choices and bad behaviors made while under the influence of my addictions. 

I know what it’s like to lose everything. To lose the spouse, the kids, the cars, the pets, everything in the house, and the house, too… The money, the job, the career, the business, the credit, and the reputation.

I know what it’s like to have relatives and friends locked up and/or die because of their addictions.

I know what it’s like to lose my own son to death – as the result of his addiction.

I know what it’s like to end up sitting on the edge of my bed, with the barrel of a loaded, and cocked gun in my mouth – with just a tiny hair’s worth of more pressure on the trigger – and my brains would have been splattered across the wall. Because I believed — I was powerless to change.

I tried and tried and tried and tried to change. Sometimes, I could change, for short periods of time – and once, for a long period of time – but the end of the road always returned to the same dramatic, devastating and deadly end.

Well. I finally discovered a path to change, and I did change. And my freedom from addiction and my progress (for going on four continuous decades) has lasted longer than anything else I’ve ever done — other than to stay alive!

While I can’t replace the ‘things and the ‘people’ I lost because of my ‘addiction choices and behaviors’ – I’m reasonably comfortable today, without feeling as though I have any needs that are not met. I make different, healthier choices, and I’ve been free of my alcoholism and addictions since November 14th. 1986.

I’ve learned how to, and I have achieved, – Living the Good Life, while sober.

My hope and my purpose are – to pass this message on to you, so that you, too, can achieve the same, or better, and that you, in return, will pass it on to others. That is… If you want it.

~Dallas B.



