My primary purpose is to keep my focus on God and Spiritual Principles. To begin every day, and every job, with asking myself, “What does God want me to do?”
And to ask myself, “How can I be helpful and help this person?” “How can I help them to be free of their pain, and suffering, and to help them solve their problem, and to help them to have a better life?
My guiding principle is to be a giver rather than a receiver. God is good. God gives good to all — with no thought of what He will get in return. He brings rain for the just and the unjust.
Jesus fed multitudes because they were hungry – not because He wanted to sell them a soft-drink to go with their meal. Be like Jesus. Feed others, and do good for others, with no thought of what you’ll get in return. And trust that God will take care of all that’s important.
My job is to seek to practice: Absolute Honesty; Absolute Purity; Absolute Unselfishness; And Absolute Love.
Yes. It’s impossible to be perfect. And it’s impossible to achieve an absolute. But it’s not impossible to try.
So, I won’t beat myself up, or criticize myself, or judge myself, for not achieving perfection. The objective is to remember that “half-measures avail me nothing.” And to try to “let go of my old ideas absolutely.” My new idea is the more I try and practice the Absolutes – the more I’ll be like God wants me to be, and less like I don’t want me to be.